Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Laptop lunches

Most of the comments I seem to get are mostly about the laptop lunch containers so I thought I would share some links that contain lots of info on them. They are expensive but they can be very helpful. -this is the site for the company and has great info, lots of pictures and a newsletter focused on their lunchboxes. FAQS including some great info if you are worried about plastics and food. Most of the lunchbox is made in the USA.
A google search will probably turn up more great sites if you need more inspiration. If you have a grandparents asking for ideas for a practical Christmas gift, this might me a good item to suggest.
If you are getting one for yourself, I think it really helps you to balance your food since when you look at those boxes they just scream for a variety of food and help with portion control. It takes a little practice to figure out what works for you but its worth it. If you like the ideas but don't want spend the money on a laptop lunch a lot of these ideas can be used with tupperware or other bento style lunchboxes.

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